Sunnyhill Christian Academy

Surpass the global standard (Deuteronomy 28:1)

Educational Philosophy


Jesus says in Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world.” The mission of this school is to educate students as Jesus’ disciples, becoming the light of the world, and transforming the world according to the word in this dark and chaotic age. Our vision is also to make Jesus’ disciples impact the world through fulfilling their mission in all strata of society according to their individual calling from God. 


Surpassing the Global Standard

(Deuteronomy 28:1)

Educational Goal

The educational goal of this school primarily revolves around equipping Jesus’ disciples with mature spirituality, intelligence and global leadership.

Educational Objectives

5C Spiritual maturity realms

Students shall grow in spiritual communion with God. This shall be done through developing a Jesus- like character, representing a spiritual community, making a commitment to the great commission, and in multicultural leadership.

Biblical worldview integration of education

Students shall set an example in this world with the biblical foundation integrated in knowledge.  

Critical and Creative Thinking

Students shall seek truthful knowledge and solve problems through critical thinking. Students shall produce innovative ideas with creative thinking, leading the fourth industrial revolution era.

Information processing abilities

Students shall collect, analyze, and apply knowledge and information from various fields in order to solve problems in a rational manner.

International language communication

Students shall effectively communicate with people in the English-speaking world and use other international languages.

Global leadership

Students shall love and pray for the nations to lead the world, surpassing the global standard.

5C Spiritual Education

Spiritual education is a foundation that affects every educational sphere. It is integrated with several themes: community, character, commission and culture. For a well-balanced spiritual education, Sunny Hill School provides 5 C spiritual education as follows

Communion: Faith Development

Communion is being intimate with God. The biblical word for this theme is faith. Sunny Hill School nurtures our students to grow in faith through worship, prayer, meditation, and Bible study.

Community: Social Development

Community is defined as spiritual/social association in Christ Jesus. Forming a community is one of the important fruits of communion. Students shall learn how to overcome conflicts and to form a Christ-centered community through cooperative learning and teaching.

Character: Moral Development

Having a Jesus-like Character is part of the important criteria of spiritual maturity. Biblical character education shall nurture students to strengthen their sense of biblically based morality.

Commission: Vocational Development

Commission is a vocational sphere of spiritual maturity. Those that are mature in spirit are obedient to God’s calling. Students shall be stimulated by school activities such as short term missions, internships, community service.


Multi-cultural communication is required to fulfill God’s calling in international/multi-cultural environment. Students shall learn languages and virtues for impactful international communication/leadership and practice through vision trip and mission trip.

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